Thursday, March 28, 2013

Carving pumpkins

Addison and Caroline were very excited to carve pumpkins this year.  They even loved all the gook and enjoyed picking out the shapes that we carved the faces with.

Caroline helping me take the top off and Addison looking inside the pumpkin


Addison - Caroline

Finally, both pumpkins are ready for scooping

Addison showing daddy the gook

Addison showing me the gook

Addison - Caroline
Silly girls

Caroline and her pumpkin.  I am happy she requested all triangles.  It would have been tricky if she wanted a star or some other shape that was more complicated.

Addison and her pumpkin.  Scott got all fancy with the teeth and eyebrows.

Caroline - Addison

Caroline - Addison

1 comment:

  1. Someone told me the comments were not working so this is a test.
