Thursday, May 23, 2013

Birthday Girls and Christmas Programs

On December 8th, Addison and Caroline turned 3!  They are at a fun age and we are lucky that they play very well together.  It is fun to see what sort of games they come up with and can keep them occupied for hours sometimes.  They do have many whiny moments but they are 3 after all.  Their sentences are becoming longer and more complete which makes it nice for everyone to be able to communicate better. We are so blessed to have them in our lives and they seem to be excited about their baby sister/brother joining them in June but we will see what reality brings with that one :)  We love you Addison and Caroline!
Addison - Caroline
Birthday crowns

Caroline - Scott - Addison - Lucia - Grandpa
Birthday party!

Caroline being silly

Caroline - Addison
They were very excited about their birthday cake this year and blowing the candles out

Here they are in the church Christmas Program.  Their class goes up and sings "Away in the Manger."
Addison is the one sitting down.  She did not want to stand with everyone but sat to the side and still sang and did all the motions to the song.  Caroline stood up with her class but did not sing.  Her hands were either in her mouth or nose pretty much the whole time :)  Between the 2 of them we had 1 fully participating child, ha!


Just a cute one of Caroline pushing Naomi in the doll stroller

They had another Christmas program with their Preschool.
This is of both classes.  The 5 on the right, including Addison and Caroline, is their whole class.

Here is their class singing their songs and reciting a poem about a snowman.  I will admit, I got teary eyed watching them because they did such a great job participating.  Not only were they both standing up there but they both had fun singing and reciting their poem with motions.  I was so proud of them because that showed such huge progress!!!  Great job Addison and Caroline!

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